AmigaOS 4.1 Classic – Latest Update!

Hyperion Entertainment CVBA and would like to give you a sneak peak at the upcoming print advertisement for AmigaOS 4.1 Classic that will appear in the next issue of Amiga Future magazine.

AmigaOS 4.1 Classic Advertisement

Look for a full review of AmigaOS 4.1 Classic in the next issue of Amiga Future,  and other reviews on popular Amiga websites and forums around the world in the next weeks.

AmigaOS 4.1 Classic is immediately available from your local Amiga dealer or direct from’s webstore.   AmigaKit is stocking a number of compatible PCI cards and other accessories to complement your Classic setup.

SATA 4-Port Raid card for Mediator
10Mbps PCI Network Card (Mediator)
Radeon 9250 PCI 128MB Graphics Card
Subway USB

and 128MB Memory modules for Blizzard PPC.

A hardware compatibility list has been started and will be expanded as new hardware is tested.  It can be found here.


Hyperion Entertainment and wish to thank all users for their support!


Note: AmigaOS 4.1 Classic requires an Amiga 1200, 3000(T), or 4000(T) Computer with  a Blizzard PPC or Cyberstorm PPC accelerator.   The use of PCI cards is optional.  PCI cards require either an Elbox Mediator PCI Busboard or Maytay Prometheus PCI Busboard.  Check the hardware compatibility list for further information.

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